In LCD TV vs. plasma TV screen size, the plasma have the advantage, they're currently size champions, and however, the developing LCD TV technology is catching up. They have sizes from 32" to 63". Panasonic makes this kind that's 103", but not for sale to consumers.
In comparing angles for viewing, LCD vs. plasma screens, the latter has an advantage. Viewing angles for plasma TVs are up until 160 degrees, while viewing angles for LCD TVs are until 175 degrees.
The screen's refresh rates vary slightly with LCD and plasma TV screen's technology. The former produces refresh and handles rapid movements like CRT televisions. The latter has improved refresh rates.
LCD Vs Plasma TV Battle - Lifespan, Size, Refresh RateFor weight, LCD televisions are lighter, cheaper to ship and more portable. With screen durability test, LCD win, they're less fragile. On the other hand, plasmas are fragile that they're tricky to ship plus to install. Their installation must be done by professionals, which makes them more of a hassle in installing. It means that you'll need a separate budget for installment apart from the original budget you need to set for the price of the television alone.
In plasmas vs. LCD TVs, screen lifespan isn't an effective way in differentiating them. The former is reported to have half life at 30,000-60,000 hours. Average CRT TVs which most of us use at home have half life at 25,000 hours.
Whether one is cheaper than the other, or better than another, in the end, it would be up to you to weigh things out and decide.
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