For buying LCD TV, you need to pay special attention to certain facts to help you decide upon the one best for you. You may be intrigued by the big names that manufacture television and make tall claims of being the best. However, to select a highly priced product from a reputed company, you must have some basic knowledge about the technology, how it works and what are the features that it offers that are better than other Televsions.

Features Of LCD TV
Screen Size: You should choose a screen size based on the space available and distance of viewing the Television. Ideal distance for viewing is 2 to 5 feet for 21-27 inch display, 6 to 8 feet for 32-37 inch display, 10-14 feet for 42-46 inch display and so on.
LCD TV - Basic Facts To Be Considered Before BuyingResolution: Resolution or picture detail is important to know before buying LCD television. It defines how fine or sharp the picture would be. The greater the resolution, the sharper will be the picture. Good television offers a minimum pixel resolution of 1280 x 720. Some advanced models with pixel resolution of 1980 x 1080, offer sharper pictures.
Contrast Ratio: Contrast ratio determines the degree of variation of the darkest and brightest part of the picture. Average contrast ratio for 32 inch Television is 10, 000: 1. In higher and better models, this ratio may be 30,000: 1 or even 50,000: 1. In low contrast ratio for an average LCD TV, dark parts look gray and white parts may look blurred.
Motion Response time: This determines the ability of a television to display fast moving objects. If you are a sports enthusiast or plan to watch fast moving action movies on your TV, then you need to pay attention to this factor before buying TV. A good LCD television should have motion response time of 8ms (milliseconds), 10 ms, 12 ms.
Number of connectors: It should have enough connectors to connect your home entertainment system. If you plan to use it as computer screen then see that it has arrangements for one. Plus, look for connectors of gaming consoles or Blu Ray player.
These technical details will help you select the best TV for your needs. Last but not the least; you must compare the prices of different brands that have similar features. Do not neglect the after sales service, parts and repair services of the company. Make a smart choice of buying LCD TV by considering the above mentioned factors.
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